Candy & Dessert Tables Favors Flowers La Dolce Idea Media/Press

La Dolce Idea’s “Hitched” dessert table is on WE tv

I am so honored to be on WEtv’s website today with one of my dessert tables, Hitched. It is shown right next to the one and only David Tutera 🙂

The starting point for this table was a delicate palette (blush + violet pink + ivory) and I added gold glitter to spice it up. Vintage touches were included, from the brooch in the bouquet (one of my grandmother’s jewelry pieces) to the lace linen overlay by Laura at Sweet Ribbon.

Eric and Bernadette of Bouchee (a fantastic organic bakery) made all the cakes, cupcakes cake pops and meringues – Aren’t they SPECTACULAR???

Laura also created the delicate bouquet with roses and succulents wrapped with ivory satin ribbon and some lace; my original vintage brooch made it sparkle!

I had so much fun crafting the finishing touches: favor lace bags with cinnamon pretzels as favors, blush pink tags with vintage-style fonts, balloons decorated with ribbon and pearl strings, and the banner with glittery gold letters tied with a soft pink ribbon.

Thanks to Alicia with Lowery Photography for the beautiful images!

You can read the original post HERE. Thank you to WE tv!!!